Corporates, NGOs

Corporates in India
Corporates in world
Corporate Foundations

NGOs in India
NGOs in the World
NGOs in Districts of India

Funding Agencies

Advertising Agencies
PR Agencies

United Nations


Thane : All stakeholders together

Success Stories

Success stories from for profits, not for profits, governments, UN from any country in the world.

Learn , replicate , scale them up or modify them

Share it (no image) to Datacentre at CSRidentity.com

Always present (Face them, address them)
Mental Health

We plan to brand each social & health issue.
So we share them separately and not within the country.

We know that governments, corporates, funding agencies, philanthropists, media, NGOs, volunteers are interested in issue programmes in their country.
So within the issue, we share programmes countrywise.
Global examples are India and Thane district in India.
We started with portals on social sector in India & Thane in 1999.
If it was other country, we would have taken that as example country.

Citizens in every country face challenges on many social & health issues.
Government Ministry of various countries and the schemes they have must be seen by many other country governments.
Some can be replicated (better word for copying), some can be modified based on community & country size & culture.

We want issues to benefit and want to do it in such a way that nobody need to come to us to know the details.
So the simple option is share links to the programmes directly handled by NGO Brands or supported by corporates, funding agencies, philanthropists, celebrities. We want volunteers for many issues and we can not handle millions of present & potental volunteers and thousands of present & potential donors. That's why we share links, so that volunteers and donors can directly contact related organisation.
In a way
, we are selfish. Selfish to save our time, so that we can invest it in all issues, all countries face.

CPAP provides relief from depression
Additional benefit for sleep apnea sufferers
Researchers have found that continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can improve depression symptoms in patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Teens who can describe negative emotions can stave off depression
Teenagers who can describe their negative emotions in precise and nuanced ways are better protected against depression than their peers who can't. That's the conclusion of a new study about negative emotion differentiation, or NED -- the ability to make fine-grained distinctions between negative emotions and apply precise labels.

Combat veterans more likely to experience mental health issues in later life
Military veterans exposed to combat were more likely to exhibit signs of depression and anxiety in later life than veterans who had not seen combat, a new study from Oregon State University shows.

New Brain Research Sheds Light On Mental Illness
Researchers say a massive genetic analysis of the human brain has yielded new insights into the underpinnings of psychiatric diseases such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and autism.
Scientists at 15 institutions analyzed nearly 2,000 brains, and their findings are detailed in 11 studies published Dec. 14 in a special edition of Science and two other journals.