Canada country is a Brand
In this country

Interesting Facts
Political Parties

Birth and Death are common in all countries. One thing which lives even if you leave mother earth is WILL.

Nobel Laureates
By country
By name
By year
Economic Sciences

Nobel's WILL
WILL = Personal patent
Test your IQ

First Sun rise ?
First human
Birthday Philanthropists
Moon size

Seven Wonders
World Heritage Sites
First human

777 Interesting facts National Awards

Knowledge Bank

Global awards


Seven Wonders
World Heritage Sites
First human

Brain, Heart
Brain Weight
Heart Weight

Numer of bones


Olympic winners
Magsaysay Awardees
Pulitzer Prize
Time Person of the year
Booker Prize

Age of animals
Extinct Animals
Weight of Animals


Goodwill Ambassadors

Sun Rise (Not son)

New Zealand is country where sun rise is seen first in the world on New Year’s Day.

Because of the high latitude, some areas in Russian Federation (Kamchatka) sees the sunrise earlier than Kiribati for about a month or so.

Kiribati, Russia & New Zealand are countries where sun rise is first seen.

Scientifically, sun doesnt rise. It is human nature to see or think of Nature.

Like some born humans do not see their father, grand father, father in law, grand father in law, who physically is no more, but still on earth for some hours before he permanently leaves earth.

Social Drs & Hospitals
Social challenges
10000 Success Stories

10000 Corporates
1000 Corp Foundations
200 000 NGOs
1000 Funding Agencies

1000 Philanthropists

2000 Celebrities  

100 + Governments
United Nations

National Government
Canada Government
National Law
Department of Justice Canada
National Police
National Capital
National Population
Latest population
Independence Day
July 1
National Helplines
Police / Ambulance / Fire - 911
Non-emergency - 311 (some areas only). 112 redirects to 911 on mobile phones
Tollfree Airline - 888-247-2262

Emergency numbers

Nobel Laureates

Alice Munro
Arthur B . McDonald
Bertram N . Brockhouse
Charles Brenton Huggins *
David H . Hubel *
Donna Strickland
Ernest Rutherford
Frederick Grant Banting
Gerhard Herzberg
Henry Taube *
Jack W . Szostak
James Peebles
John C . Polanyi
John James Rickard Macleod
Lester Bowles Pearson
Michael Smith
Myron S . Scholes *
Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs
Ralph M . Steinman
Richard E . Taylor
Robert A . Mundell
Rudolph A . Marcus *
Saul Bellow *
Sidney Altman *
Willard S . Boyle *
William Francis Giauque *
William Vickrey *
Interesting facts

World Heritage Sites
LAnse aux Meadows National Historic Site
Nahanni National Park
Dinosaur Provincial Park
Kluane / Wrangell-St. Elias / Glacier Bay / Tatshenshini-Alsek
Head-Smashed - In Buffalo Jump
SGang Gwaay
Wood Buffalo National Park
Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks
Historic District of Old Quibec
Gros Morne National Park
Old Town Lunenburg
Waterton Glacier International Peace Park
Miguasha National Park
Rideau Canal
Joggins Fossil Cliffs
Landscape of Grand Pri
Red Bay Basque Whaling Station
Mistaken Point
Pimachiowin Aki
Writing - on - Stone / Amsmnaipi

Tourism spots, locations

Botanical Gardens
Abkhazi Garden, Victoria
Alberta Horticultural Research Center, Brooks
Allan Gardens, Toronto
Annapolis Royal Historic Gardens, Annapolis Royal
Assiniboine Park, Winnipeg
Belle Terre Botanic Garden, Otter Lake
Bloedel Floral Conservatory, Vancouver
Bruce Botanical Food Gardens, Ripley
Butchart Gardens, Victoria
Calgary Zoological Gardens, Calgary
Cascades of Time Garden (Banff), Banff
Centennial Conservatory, Thunder Bay
Centennial Park Conservatory, Etobicoke
Crown Forest Industries Arboretum and Museum, Ladysmith
Devonian Gardens (Calgary), Calgary
Dominion Arboretum and Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa
Edwards Gardens
Faculty of Agriculture, Dalhousie University, Truro
Fanshawe College Arboretum, London
Fredericton Botanic Garden, Fredericton
Great Lakes Forest Research Centre Arboretum, Sault Ste. Marie
Halifax Public Gardens, Halifax
Harriet Irving Botanical Gardens, Wolfville
Horticulture Centre of the Pacific, Victoria
Humber College Arboretum, Toronto
Inglis Falls Arboretum, Owen Sound
Jackson Park, Windsor
James Gardens
Jardin Van Den Hende, Laval University, Quebec City
Jardins de Métis, Grand-Métis
Kingsbrae Horticultural Garden, St. Andrews
Lauber Arboretum, Kakabeka Falls
Lee Pavilion located within the Citadel Theatre, Edmonton
Lethbridge Research and Development Centre, Lethbridge
Man and His World, Montreal
Manitoba Horticultural Association Arboretum, Boissevain
Memorial University of Newfoundland Botanical Garden, St. John's
Metro Toronto Parks Commission, Toronto
Mont Royal Park, Montreal
Montreal Botanical Garden, Montreal
Morden Research Station, Morden
Morgan Arboretum, Macdonald Campus of McGill University, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue
Muttart Conservatory, Edmonton
New Brunswick Botanical Garden, Edmundston
Niagara Parks Commission, Niagara Falls
Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden, Lethbridge
Olds College Botanic Garden, Olds
Oshawa Valley Botanical Gardens, Oshawa
Ottawa Valley Native Plant Botanical Garden, Cobden
Park and Tilford Gardens, North Vancouver
Parkwood, The R.S. McLaughlin Estate National Historic Site and Heritage Garden, Oshawa
PFRA Tree Nursery, Indian Head
Plant Paradise Country Gardens, Caledon
Queen Elizabeth Park and Bloedel Floral Conservatory, Vancouver
Quinte Botanical Garden, Frankford, Ontario
Regina Floral Conservatory, Regina
Royal Botanical Gardens, Burlington
Royal Roads University Botanical Gardens, Victoria
Sifton Bog, London
Summerland Research Station, Summerland
Tofino Botanical Gardens, Tofino
Toronto Botanical Garden, Toronto
Toronto Islands
Toronto Zoo, Toronto
UBC Botanical Garden and Centre for Plant Research, Vancouver
University of Alberta Botanic Garden, Devon, Alberta
University of Guelph Arboretum, Guelph
University of Saskatchewan Gardens, Saskatoon
University of Toronto Erindale College Conservatory, Mississauga
University of Western Ontario Sherwood Fox Arboretum, London
VanDusen Botanical Garden, Vancouver
Vineland Research Station, Vineland
Wascana Centre Authority, Regina
Woodland Gardens Arboretum, Surrey, British Columbia, Surrey

African Lion Safari - Hamilton
Assiniboine Park Zoo - Winnipeg
Bird Kingdom - Niagara Falls
Brantford Twin Valley Zoo - Brant
British Columbia Wildlife Park - Kamloops
Calgary Zoo - Calgary
Edmonton Valley Zoo - Edmonton
Elmvale Jungle Zoo - Elmvale
Forestry Farm Park and Zoo, Saskatoon
Granby Zoo - Granby
Greater Vancouver Zoo - Aldergrove
Greenview Aviaries Park & Zoo - Chatham-Kent, Ontario
High Park Zoo - Toronto
Indian River Reptile and Dinosaur Park - Indian River
Jungle Cat World - Orono
Magnetic Hill Zoo - Moncton
Miller Zoo - Frampton
Montreal Biodome - Montreal
Montreal Insectarium - Montreal
Oaklawn Farm Zoo - Aylesford
Oshawa Zoo - Oshawa
Papanack Park Zoo - Wendover
Parc Safari - Hemmingford
Reptilia (zoo) - Vaughan and Whitby
Riverdale Farm - Toronto
Riverview Park & Zoo - Peterborough
Safari Niagara - Stevensville
Saunders Country Critters - Kemptville
Shubenacadie Wildlife Park - Shubenacadie
Thompson Zoo - Thompson
Toronto Zoo - Toronto
Victoria Bug Zoo - Victoria
Victoria Butterfly Gardens - Brentwood Bay
Zoo de Falardeau - Saint-David-de-Falardeau
Zoo Sauvage de St-Félicien - Saint-Félicien


Every celebrity in every category must use their infuening power or their own responsibility to help climate change which is already crossing dangerous propoertions. Not climate change activism but something which is legally ok with the government of their country. World is an integration of all countries. Climate change is an example.

Paul Anka singer, songwriter
Margaret Atwood author, poet
Bachman-Turner Overdrive music group
Frederick Banting co-discovered insulin
William "Billy" Bishop world war I flying ace
James "Jim" Carrey actor, comedian
Cirque du Soleil entertainment company
Samuel Cunard founder cunard cruise lines
Celine Dion singer
Sir Sandford Fleming creator standard time zones
Michael J. Fox actor
Terry Fox humanitarian, cancer treatment activist
Wayne Gretzky hockey player
Gordon "Gordie" Howe hockey player
Peter Jennings journalist, television news anchor
Kathryn Dawn "K. D." Lang singer, songwriter
Art Linkletter radio, television host
Guy Lombardo musician, bandleader
Lorne Michaels creator saturday night live, producer
Lucy Maud Montgomery author
James Naismith inventor basketball, coach
Morley Safer reporter, news correspondent
Isadore "Issy" Sharp founder four seasons hotels
Joseph "Joe" Shuster co-creator superman
Pierre Trudeau former prime minister
Jacques Villeneuve automobile racing driver
Jack "J. L." Warner co-founder warner bros. studios