Colombia country is a Brand
In this country

Interesting Facts
Political Parties

Birth and Death are common in all countries. One thing which lives even if you leave mother earth is WILL.

Nobel Laureates
By country
By name
By year
Economic Sciences

Nobel's WILL
WILL = Personal patent
Test your IQ

First Sun rise ?
First human
Birthday Philanthropists
Moon size

Seven Wonders
World Heritage Sites
First human

777 Interesting facts National Awards

Knowledge Bank

Global awards


Seven Wonders
World Heritage Sites
First human

Brain, Heart
Brain Weight
Heart Weight

Numer of bones


Olympic winners
Magsaysay Awardees
Pulitzer Prize
Time Person of the year
Booker Prize

Age of animals
Extinct Animals
Weight of Animals


Goodwill Ambassadors

Sun Rise (Not son)

New Zealand is country where sun rise is seen first in the world on New Year’s Day.

Because of the high latitude, some areas in Russian Federation (Kamchatka) sees the sunrise earlier than Kiribati for about a month or so.

Kiribati, Russia & New Zealand are countries where sun rise is first seen.

Scientifically, sun doesnt rise. It is human nature to see or think of Nature.

Like some born humans do not see their father, grand father, father in law, grand father in law, who physically is no more, but still on earth for some hours before he permanently leaves earth.

Social Drs & Hospitals
Social challenges
10000 Success Stories

10000 Corporates
1000 Corp Foundations
200 000 NGOs
1000 Funding Agencies

1000 Philanthropists

2000 Celebrities  

100 + Governments
United Nations

National Government
Colombia Government
National Law
Minsitry of Justice
National Police
National Capital
National Population
Latest population
Independence Day
July 20
National Helplines
Police - 112 / 123
Ambulance - 125 / 123
Fire - 119 / 123
Anti-kidnapping hotline - 165

Emergency numbers

Nobel Laureates
Gabriel García Márquez
Juan Manuel Santos
Interesting facts

World Heritage Sites
Port , Fortresses and Group of Monuments , Cartagena
Los Katmos National Park
Historic Centre of Santa Cruz de Mompox
National Archeological Park of Tierradentro
San Agustmn Archaeological Park
Malpelo Fauna and Flora Sanctuary
Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia
Qhapaq Qan , Andean Road System
Chiribiquete National Park   The Maloca of the Jaguar 

Tourism spots, locations

Botanical Gardens
Red Nacional de Jardines Botánicos de Colombia
Jardín Botánico de Cartagena
Jardín Botánico del Pacífico, Chocó
Jardín Botánico del Quindio
Bogotá Botanical Garden
Fundación Jardín Etnobotánico Villa Ludovica
Jardín Botánico de Cali
Jardín Botánico de San Andrés

Barranquilla Zoo - Barranquilla
Bioparque Los Ocarros - Villavicencio
Cali Zoo - Cali
Hacienda Nápoles - Medellín
Jaime Duque Park Zoo - Bogotá
Matecaña City Zoo - Pereira
Santa Fe Zoo - Medellín
Santa Marta Aquarium - Santa Marta
Santacruz Zoo - San Antonio del Tequendama


Every celebrity in every category must use their infuening power or their own responsibility to help climate change which is already crossing dangerous propoertions. Not climate change activism but something which is legally ok with the government of their country. World is an integration of all countries. Climate change is an example.

You Bo writer
Long Boret former prime minister
Kum Bunnadeth singer
Cheam Channy politician
Arn Chorn-Pond human rights activist
Geraldine Cox president, operator of the Sunrise Children's Village Orphanage, only Australian granted Cambodian citizenship by royal decree, author
Vichara Dany actress
Virak Dara actress
Tep Rin Daro actor
Norodom Buppha Devi princess
Kong Som Eun film director, actor
Thongvan Fanmuong general
Sosthene Fernandez commander–in-chief
Preah Maha Ghosananda Buddhist monk
Nau Hach writer
Cheng Heng former head of state
Ung Huot political figure
Patricia Hy-Boulais tennis player
L'Okhna Suttantaprija Ind Cambodian monk, writer, poet
Jayavarman VII former Khmer King
Vandy Kaonn Khmer history analyst, author
Sar Kheng politician
Rim Kin writer
Ieu Koeus politician, intellectual
Bour Kry supreme patriarch of Dhammayuttika order
Chorn Chan Leakhena actress
Kim Leakhena singer
Hong Lim politician
Somaly Mam author, human rights advocate
Son Ngoc Minh politician
Ta Mok military commander of the Cambodian Khmer Rouge movement
Vann Molyvann architect
Danh Monica actress, dancer
Chan Nak former prime minister
Chuon Nath late supreme patriarch
Vann Nath painter, artist, writer, human rights activist
Chum Ngek musician
Haing S. Ngor actor, physician, author
Krom Ngoy poet
Lon Nol general, former president, former prime minister
Lon Non politician, soldier
Norodom I former king
Chanthou Oeur painter, sculptor
U Sam Oeur poet
Rithy Panh film director, screenwriter
Pov Panhapich singer
Ieu Pannakar film director, politician
Chhet Sovan Panya singer
Eh Phoutong kick boxer
Meng Keo Pichenda singer
Chath Piersath poet, painter, humanitarian
Pisith Pilika ballet dancer, actress
Domnang Pin artist
Keo Pich Pisey actress, dancer
Soth Polin writer
Pol Pot leader of Khmer Rouge (born in Indochina)
Dith Pran photo journalist
Sam Rainsy politician
Norodom Ranariddh politician
Veth Rattana actress
Chhouk Rin Khmer Rouge commander
Tep Rindaro actor
Uth Roeun cartoonist
Pan Ron singer, songwriter
Am Rong soldier, filmmaker
Sophiline Cheam Shapiro dancer, choreographer
Pen Samithy journalist
Heng Samrin chairman of the National Assembly
Son Sann former prime minister
Duong Saree artist, illustrator
Sam Sary politician
Dy Saveth actress
Hun Sen prime minister
Ros Sereysothea singer
Norodom Sihamoni king
Norodom Sihanouk former king
Chea Sim politician
Prach Sim journalist
Sinn Sisamouth singer, songwriter
Him Sivorn singer
Kem Sokha president human rights party
Thus Sophannarith artist
Meas Sophea senior general
Kem Sopranei singer
Chea Soth politician
Chhim Sothy painter, sculptor
Preap Sovath singer
Sok Sreymom singer, actress
Chea Sundaneth journalist
Norodom Suramarit former king
Sak Sutsakhan politician, soldier
Chan Sy former prime minister
In Tam former prime minister
Ampor Tevi actress
Loung Ung human rights activist, lecturer
Vann Vannak actor
Noy Vanneth singer
Saom Vansodany actress
Chea Vichea leader of free trade union of workers
Tep Vong Buddhist monk
Chamroeun Yin dancer