Guyana country is a Brand
In this country

Interesting Facts
Political Parties

Birth and Death are common in all countries. One thing which lives even if you leave mother earth is WILL.

Nobel Laureates
By country
By name
By year
Economic Sciences

Nobel's WILL
WILL = Personal patent
Test your IQ

First Sun rise ?
First human
Birthday Philanthropists
Moon size

Seven Wonders
World Heritage Sites
First human

777 Interesting facts National Awards

Knowledge Bank

Global awards


Seven Wonders
World Heritage Sites
First human

Brain, Heart
Brain Weight
Heart Weight

Numer of bones


Olympic winners
Magsaysay Awardees
Pulitzer Prize
Time Person of the year
Booker Prize

Age of animals
Extinct Animals
Weight of Animals


Goodwill Ambassadors

Sun Rise (Not son)

New Zealand is country where sun rise is seen first in the world on New Year’s Day.

Because of the high latitude, some areas in Russian Federation (Kamchatka) sees the sunrise earlier than Kiribati for about a month or so.

Kiribati, Russia & New Zealand are countries where sun rise is first seen.

Scientifically, sun doesnt rise. It is human nature to see or think of Nature.

Like some born humans do not see their father, grand father, father in law, grand father in law, who physically is no more, but still on earth for some hours before he permanently leaves earth.

Social Drs & Hospitals
Social challenges
10000 Success Stories

10000 Corporates
1000 Corp Foundations
200 000 NGOs
1000 Funding Agencies

1000 Philanthropists

2000 Celebrities  

100 + Governments
United Nations

National Government
Guyana Government
National Law
Ministry of Legal Affairs
National Police
National Capital
National Population
Latest population
Independence Day
May 26
National Helplines
Police - 911 / 999
Ambulance - 913 / 999
Fire - 912 / 999

Emergency numbers

Interesting facts

World Heritage Sites

Tourism spots, locations

Botanical Gardens
Georgetown Botanical Gardens

Guyana Zoo

Every celebrity in every category must use their infuening power or their own responsibility to help climate change which is already crossing dangerous propoertions. Not climate change activism but something which is legally ok with the government of their country. World is an integration of all countries. Climate change is an example.

Bonny Alves music video producer
Rudy Bishop musician
Ron Bob-Semple actor
Johnny Braff musician
Wayne "Big Truck" Braithwaite boxer
E. R. Braithwaite teacher, diplomat
Art Broomes jazz drummer
Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham former president, former prime minister
E.R. Burrows father of art education
Basil Fitzherbert Butcher cricketer
Pat Cameron broadcaster
Jan Carew poet, author educator, playwright
Bertie Chancellor Guyana's "Dick Clark"
Nathaniel Critchlow founded Labor Union
Colin Croft cricketer
Aubrey Cummings musician
David Dabydeen author
Wrickford Dalgetty musician
Victor Davson artist
Andrea Douglas dancer
John Slingshot Drepaul dancer
Juliet Emanuel professor
Francis Quamina Farrier playwright, documentary producer
Phillip Forrester musician
Victor Forsythe broadcaster
John Fredericks bagpipe player
Terry Gajraj innovator Chutney music
Lance Gibbs cricket player
Michael Gilkes author
Des & Combo 7 Glasford music group
Eddie Grant musician
Linda Griffith dancer
Roger Harper cricket player
Carl Hazlewood artist
Roy A K Heath author
Bernard Heydorn columnist
Basil Hinds broadcaster
Ramjohn Holder singer, actor
Loris Holland musical producer
Winston Hoppie musician
Hugh Desmond Hoyte former president
Cheddi Jagan former president
Ruel Johnson author
Rohan Kanhai cricket player
Peter Kempadoo singer
Rafiq Khan broadcaster
Clive Lloyd cricket player
Dame Olga Lopes-Seale radio broadcaster, singer, community worker
Vesta Lowe music historian
Sister Rose Magdeline National Anthem author
Dave Martins musician
Ian McDonald poet, author cultural critic
Sister Noel Menezes educator, historian
Edgar Mittelholzer author
Colin Moore lawyer, activist
Henry Muttoo actor
Clement E. Nichols composer
Phillip Nichols musician
Roland Phillips lyricist
Billy Pilgrim educator, composer
Frank Pilgrim journalist
Sandra Primus dancer
Keith Proctor musician
Ustad Ramdhani musician
James Richmond poet
John Rickford author
Dr. Walter Rodney historian, activist
Basil Rodrigues songwriter
Bert Rogers musician
Akoyah Rudder drummer
Sheik Sadeek writer
Boysie Sage band leader
Hugh Sam composer
A. J. Seymour author, poet
Rudolph Shaw actor
Eon Sinclair musician
Pritha Singh dancer
Rajkumari Singh poet, political activist, educator
Andre Sobryan actor
Trev Sue-A-Quan historian
Clairmonte Taitt broadcaster
Helen Taitt performer
Sean Patrick Thomas actor
Ian Valz author
Ivan Van Sertima educator, author
Keith Waithe musician
Verna Walcott dancer
Aubrey Williams artist
Denis Williams artist
Ras Como Williams musician