Libya country is a Brand
In this country

Interesting Facts
Political Parties

Birth and Death are common in all countries. One thing which lives even if you leave mother earth is WILL.

Nobel Laureates
By country
By name
By year
Economic Sciences

Nobel's WILL
WILL = Personal patent
Test your IQ

First Sun rise ?
First human
Birthday Philanthropists
Moon size

Seven Wonders
World Heritage Sites
First human

777 Interesting facts National Awards

Knowledge Bank

Global awards


Seven Wonders
World Heritage Sites
First human

Brain, Heart
Brain Weight
Heart Weight

Numer of bones


Olympic winners
Magsaysay Awardees
Pulitzer Prize
Time Person of the year
Booker Prize

Age of animals
Extinct Animals
Weight of Animals


Goodwill Ambassadors

Sun Rise (Not son)

New Zealand is country where sun rise is seen first in the world on New Year’s Day.

Because of the high latitude, some areas in Russian Federation (Kamchatka) sees the sunrise earlier than Kiribati for about a month or so.

Kiribati, Russia & New Zealand are countries where sun rise is first seen.

Scientifically, sun doesnt rise. It is human nature to see or think of Nature.

Like some born humans do not see their father, grand father, father in law, grand father in law, who physically is no more, but still on earth for some hours before he permanently leaves earth.

Social Drs & Hospitals
Social challenges
10000 Success Stories

10000 Corporates
1000 Corp Foundations
200 000 NGOs
1000 Funding Agencies

1000 Philanthropists

2000 Celebrities  

100 + Governments
United Nations

National Government
Libya Government
National Law
The Ministry of Justice
National Police
National Capital
National Population
Latest population
Independence Day
December 24
National Helplines
Police – 1515 / 193
Ambulance – 1515 / 193
Fire - 1515 / 190

Emergency numbers

Interesting facts

World Heritage Sites
Archaeological Site of Cyrene
Archaeological Site of Leptis Magna
Archaeological Site of Sabratha
Rock-Art Sites of Tadrart Acacus
Old Town of Ghadamhs

Tourism spots, locations

Botanical Gardens

Benghazi Zoo ("Il bosco" ) - Benghazi
Tripoli Zoo - Tripoli

Every celebrity in every category must use their infuening power or their own responsibility to help climate change which is already crossing dangerous propoertions. Not climate change activism but something which is legally ok with the government of their country. World is an integration of all countries. Climate change is an example.

Ayman El Aatar singer
Samir Aboud footballer
Mahud Abudaber cinematographer, producer
Yahya Alabdallah director, writer, producer
Ibn al-Ajdabi scholar, linguist
Abdul Qadir al-Badri former prime minister
Abdul Hamid al-Bakkoush former prime minister
Sulaiman al-Barouni resistance leader
Mansour Al Borki footballer
Wahbi al-Bouri politician, diplomat, writer, translator (born in Egypt)
Ehab Al Bousefi footballer
Abdul Salam al-Buseiri politician
Daif Abdul-kareem Al-Ghazal journalist
Kais al-Hilali political cartoonist
Nadia Ali singer, songwriter
Mahmud Sulayman al-Maghribi former prime minister
Muhammad Ahmad al-Mangoush former prime minister
Ahmed Rafiq Almhadoui poet
Razan Naiem Almoghrabi writer
Omar al-Mukhtar national hero, resistance leader
Mahmud al-Muntasir former prime minister
Umar Mustafa al-Muntasir former prime minister
Omar al-Muntasser politician
Abdul Ati al-Obeidi former prime minister
Wanis al-Qaddafi former prime minister
Abdul Majid al-Qa'ud politician
Saddeka Arebi author, anthropologist
Sayyid Hassan ar-Rida crown prince
Bazil Ashmawy actor
Ahmed Sharif as-Senussi chief of Senussi Muslim order
Hasan as-Senussi crown prince
Judallah Azzuz at-Talhi former prime minister
Akram Ayyad footballer
Zentani Muhammad az-Zentani former head of state
Silvio Bandinelli director, writer, producer
Battaros legendary king
Farhat Bengdara politician, banker
Franco Califano actor, composer
Don Coscarelli film director, producer, screenwriter
Omar Daoud footballer
Mario Donatone actor
Abuzed Omar Dorda former prime minister
Ehtuish Ehtuish surgeon, professor, politician
Abdurrahim El-Keib former interim prime minister
Nasser el-Mizdawi singer, songwriter, guitarist, composer
Fatima el-Sharif Queen consort of King Idris I
Eratosthenes mathematician, geographer, astronomer
Ali Omar Ermes artist, writer, activist
Ahmed Fakroun singer, songwriter
Queen Fatima queen
Mohieddin Fikini former prime minister
Al-Saadi Gaddafi footballer
Muammar Gadaffi revolutionary leader, politician
Sharif El Gariani religious sheik, statesman
Shukri Ghanem former prime minister
Meftah Ghazalla footballer
Robert Haggiag producer
Mustafa Ben Halim former prime minister
Osama Al Hamady footballer
Khaled Hussein footballer
Idris I of Libya king, chief of Senussi Muslim order
Mustafa Abdul Jalil resistance leader, politician
Abdessalam Jalloud former prime minister
Mahmoud Jibril former interim prime minister
Richard Journo producer, director
Abdesalam Kames footballer
Nader Kara footballer
Yusuf Karamanli former Pasha (ruler)
Abdusalam Khames footballer
Abdul Majid Kubar former prime minister
Muhammad Layas politician, investment banker
Kamel Maghur lawyer, writer
Baghdadi Mahmudi former prime minister
Ahmed Faraj El Masli footballer
Hussein Maziq former prime minister
Waled Mhadeb footballer
Hala Misrati television anchor, journalist
Rabe Al Msellati footballer
Umar Muhayshi army officer
Jehad Muntasser footballer
Mohammed Nabbous journalist
Sadeq Naihoum journalist, writer
Arafa Nakuaa footballer
Suleiman Ali Nashnush actor, basketball player
Michael Orean marathon runner
Walid Ali Osman footballer
Herbert Pagani actor
Mariu Pascoli actress
Rossana Podesta actress
Ali Rahuma footballer
Muhammad az-Zaruq Rajab former prime minister
Marei Al Ramly footballer
Salem Ibrahim Al Rewani footballer
Muhammad Osman Said former prime minister
Muhammad Sakizli former prime minister
Mario Schifano director, actor
Maurizio Seimandi actor
Mohammed El Senussi crown prince
Sayyid Ahmed Sharif es Senussi resistance leader, chief of Senussi order
Septimius Severus former Roman emperor
Hesham Shaban footballer
Hamid El Shaeri singer, composer, producer
Mohmoud Maklouf Shafter footballer
Abdel Rahman Shalgham politician
Imbarek Shamekh former prime minister
Mohammed Shegewi educator
Omar Faiek Shennib politician
Younes Al Shibani footballer
Shoshenq I former king of Egypt
Naji Shushan footballer
Abdulnaser Slil footballer
Leslie Stewart writer, director
Tarik El Taib footballer
Ali Tarhouni economist, former acting prime minister
Reda Al Tawrghe footballer
Fathi Terbil lawyer, human rights activist
Kalifa Tillisi historian, translator, linguist
Vittorio Veltroni writer
Ali Zeidan prime minister
Mohamed Zubya footballer
Ahmed Mahmoud Zuway "Kabila" footballer